Intake for Your Skin's Health

Caring for Your Skin by Monitoring What You Ingest

Acne Medications

February 4th, 2015

medication for acneThere are some pros and cons to acne medications. Acne medications largely consist of antibiotics and hormone medications. These options work well long term for some people and not as well for others. Many people find they have to spend time in a trial and error phase with acne medications to find the one that works right for them. Acne medication does not negate the need for a responsible diet, exercise regimen and sleep schedule for your skin’s health, but particularly in severe cases of acne, it can play a very important role.

Antibiotics for acne can be useful, but complicated. Antibiotics for acne are actually not meant to treat the infection itself, but rather are meant to alter the oil glands of the skin in order to produce less oil. The only problem with this is that skin will develop a tolerance to the antibiotic and will no longer be effective. The recommended method for taking acne antibiotics is to be on them for approximately two weeks, then off them for approximately two more weeks. Continuing this cycle will keep the skin from developing a tolerance. Antibiotics can have some negative side effects, such as photosensitivity.

Hormone medications, such as birth control for women, are also frequently used to treat acne. This is because acne is largely attributed to hormonal irregularities. Teenagers are the age group most prone to acne because of puberty and the influx of hormones in their bodies. One of the leading causes of adult acne is ongoing hormonal irregularity. Hormone medications work to balance these irregularities and clear the skin of acne. These medications can have drawbacks as well. Many people complain of drastic mood swings due to their hormone levels changing suddenly. Other people experience nausea or headaches. Again, experimentation is critical when it comes to choosing a medication that can work for you long term.

If your skin is scarred by acne, you may want to consider laser therapy or cosmetic surgery. Kelowna cosmetic surgeons can improve the appearance of your skin and restore it to its original smoothness and texture. Do not hide behind make up any longer. Instead, reach out for a permanent solution to acne scars.

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Diet Advice for Acne Prone People

September 3rd, 2014

acne diet adviceDiet is a huge piece of the healthy skin puzzle. Anyone with acne issues cannot afford to forego nutrition. The reason for this is that the skin, like every other organ, is affected by the toxicity and the medicinal qualities of the things we eat. We do not know the exact cause of acne, but we do know that in part it has to do with the skin reacting to food in an abnormal way. It could be that acne prone people lack a certain enzyme to break down ingested substances. It could be a metabolism problem. Medical science is still looking into these questions, but in the mean time, we can make correlations between ingested substances and the general health of skin.

Here is a list of foods that are known to help fight acne:

  • Vegetables of all varieties: these natural foods contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, acidity and antioxidants to fight infection.
  • Fruits of all varieties: these natural foods contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, acidity and antioxidants to fight infection.
  • Natural spices: foods such as jalapenos, habaneros, cayenne pepper, ginger and wasabi are excellent for the skin as they boost metabolism and circulation.
  • Yogurt and other probiotic supplements: probiotics are essential to intestinal health, where much of the immune system lives. The body fights infection with a strong immune system.
  • Wheat and grain carbs: these natural sources of carbs are easier on the digestive system than white flours.
  • Olive oil: good for softening the skin and arteries.
  • The right kinds of proteins: proteins that contain monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats, omega 3’s and fatty acids, such as fish, nuts and avocados act as healthy moisturizers to the skin and replenish it with lipids that give it a young vibrancy.
  • Water and other hydration: as critical to the skin as it is to every other bodily system.

You Wear on Your Face What You Ingest

April 19th, 2014

intake and skinObviously, the causes of acne are complicated. If they were not, no one would have it. Particularly for severe cases of acne, we have moved away from the idea that this skin condition is mostly a topical problem, and have begun to focus on the disease’s metabolic and hormonal causes, which are much more difficult to control than a basic skin cleansing regimen. Studies into the metabolic causes of acne are revealing that, for people who are acne prone, food, drink and other substances can act as a medicine or as a toxin, giving those who struggle with pimples a good reason to watch what they ingest, and to consider detoxing for the skin.

I say “ingest” instead of “eat” because it is not just food and drink that affect the skin. As we know, smoking and injecting substances into the body can have permanent affects on the skin as well. Anything toxic that the body absorbs has an affect on the skin, and for those who are acne prone, the affects will be much more noticeable than for others. Here are some common things that are known to cause break outs in acne prone skin:

  • alcohol: causes skin inflammation and irritation, increases swelling in the skin and inhibits good circulation, leading to breakouts
  • cigarettes: bad for overall skin health as blood vessels tighten when you smoke and allow less circulation to the outer layer of skin.
  • drugs: both prescription and non-prescription drugs of different varieties can have negative effects on the skin, so be sure to discuss your medication’s effects on your skin with your doctor.
  • greasy, processed foods or foods containing excessive sugar and fat: as a general rule, if it is bad for your heart and your waistline, it is bad for your skin as well.

The moral for acne prone people is, when it comes to what you put in your body, keep it as natural, healthy and balanced as possible. Acne is largely a metabolic problem, meaning you cannot process the toxins in your body like other people can and you have to take extra care in caring for your skin. If you are a Canadian who is struggling with skin problems due to substance abuse, consider the services of Canada alcohol rehab or Canada drug addiction treatment. These services will monitor your intake and see that you ingest only substances that are good for your body and skin.